Agnieszka (‘Aga’) Borowiec

‘Me and Massage’

My adventure with massage started when, just out of curiosity, I took an Introduction to Massage Course in the School of Holistic Therapy, in Edinburgh at the end of 2015. To my big surprise, at the end of the course the principal tutor asked me if I’d like to take a Diploma course in Holistic Therapeutic Massage, since she liked the way I worked.

I was able to start straight away, and what a great 10 months they were. I loved it, always looking forward till the next course weekend. I learned a lot of massage pain-relieving techniques (including myofascial release, neuromuscular techniques and stretching) as well as lots of anatomy, physiology and pathology. I also learnt a great deal about myself and the importance of listening and recognising not only physical but also emotional state of people we work with.

If I had never got to work doing massage I would always be grateful for the opportunity to do this course. My only regret is that I didn’t do it earlier. It would have helped me a lot in difficult times which preceded my massage adventure. That was only the beginning.

After taking my final exams, Simonetta, the principal tutor, offered me a job of a Teaching Assistant in her school and I’ve been working for her ever since. The more I learnt, the more I realised how much more there is to know. Hence my next step was Advanced Myofascial Release – in the same school. I find working with fascia (a connective tissue) really enjoyable. This kind of work is incredibly effective, not only on a physical but also an emotional level, and it’s definitely the kind of work I want to specialise in.

Until now, I learnt to work with fascia from two specialists who teach very different techniques (not counting multiple tutorials that I’ve subscribed to online ). Apart from Simonetta Logan, Hugh Gilbert is another important teacher I had the pleasure to learn from. This amazing Scottish physiotherapist developed Kinetic Chain Release, a system of gentle stretches and joint mobilisations that brings the body back into balance. It has proven to be highly successful, reducing time and money spent on treatments up to 85% in many physical conditions.

Since doing my first KCR course I have completed another 5 courses with Hugh Gilbert: KCR Level 2, Women’s Health, Postural Energetics, and Connective Tissue Release (Levels 1 and 2). In March 2018 I became a proud, accredited practitioner of KCR.

All these courses allow me to help my clients, not only during the treatment, but also by giving them advice on how can help themselves and how to prevent recurrence of their problems.

I’m not sure yet what my next adventure in the world of massage is going to be, but I hope I will be as lucky as I’ve been till now with my choices.

I’ll keep you posted.




Giles Street Studios
99 Giles Street

Mon-Fri, 10:30am-7pm
Sat & Sun, 10:30am-6pm

< map >

Agnieszka (‘Aga’) Borowiec
[email protected]
+44 7521 807 530